Lash Challenges
We are very well known here for our eyelash extensions, constantly promoting a more 'natural look' lash. Our aim is to give our clients the look that they desire whilst keeping the natural lash happy and healthy. More so than ever though we seem to be faced with 'lash challenges' and this is a great example... The top picture shows the lashes of a client who came in to see us after months of poorly applied eyelash extensions. Normally in these cases we can do repair work through an infill but as you can see the damage was quite severe... So a little lash rehab was suggested with the use of a growth tonic and vitamin E- a great little combo of ours for hair growth. She returned a few weeks later with a fantastic result (middle picture) and we were able to apply a full set of faux Mink eyelash extensions. As this clients natural lashes are still repairing it is key not to overload the lashes so that they can continue to strengthen and grow. Remember to always do your research when it comes to choosing a technician/salon for eyelash extensions. A patch test should always be completed, as well as a consultation. :)