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Important Announcement

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT- 21/03/2020 I’m saddened to say that we will be closing our salon doors until further notice. We believe this to be the right decision for us, our clients and in the best interest of society as a whole. We will initially be cancelling all appointments up until Tuesday 7th April 2020 and anyone with appointments during this time will be contacted personally. We will keep you updated on a weekly basis in regards to all appointments beyond this date, whilst we closely monitor the situation with Covid-19. For product purchases, we will be arranging scheduled collection days and times. These can also be posted out to you free of charge. Please email us at for all orders. During these uncertain times, we will be keeping you informed through email and on social media with… What we are doing, how we can all help, little bursts of happiness, ideas, fun stuff, tutorials, positivity, the usual SG kind of things! Thank you everyone for your kind words, generosity and support that you have already shown us - it means ALOT. Our love goes out to all those affected and especially to all those working tirelessly to help us get through this unprecedented time. Sending you all positivity for health and happiness and we look forward to welcoming you back with a big hug (or elbow bump) soon! And in the meantime, if you can, take some time to reflect, slow down, help others, spend time with your families, read that book, go for long walks and just value the truly important things in life... The world is sending us a message and it's during this time we do our best to listen and understand perhaps the greater meaning... With much love from us all at SofieGeorgia :) x

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